Friday, October 09, 2009

child number 3


whoever dubbed the term "morning sickness" was sadly misinformed. it's more like all day, all night, purple people eater sickness.

so anyway, see you in about four months.
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Stacey said...

Yeah!!!! So sorry you're sick, but so glad of the reason:) I can't wait to be an aunt again!!

Montserrat said...

Congrats! The sickness, nausea, etc. is all worth it in the end, right? Right! ☺

Jillian said...

Congrats! This too shall pass...

Heidi said...

Congrats Becca (and Doug)! You think you would have learned from the previous two! j/k

Mavis said...

Here is the talk I liked. Way to keep your eye to the prize. *m

Erin Valberg said...

Becky, if you every need a listening ear, just call, no one could possible empathize more than me. It is one of the hardest things in the world for me (morning sickness)(what a stupid word, you are right, it should be called bitter misery).